Product Sourcing

If you are looking for direct suppliers or sourcing products from Asia, LMG can assist you in identifying the right products and manufacturers who will meet your requirements.  We have associates and offices in the USA, India, China and Taiwan as well as clients around the globe. We have more than 1200 latex, medical device, cosmetics, food, and drug manufacturers as our clients. From these clients we have selected a group of manufacturers as suppliers who passed our quality specifications and standards. We offer products only from these selected suppliers; so that we can assure you quality, quantity, prompt delivery and a competitive price.

Supplier Selection

It is very hard to find a genuine manufacturer from the thousands of manufacturers and distributors who offer identical products.
Our experience in regulatory and quality certifications such as: FDA, GMP, CE, ISO, etc…. as well as a wide network of selected manufacturers, will help you to find a real and genuine manufacturer who will meet your requirements.

Plant Visit/Inspection

For US companies it is impossible to conduct regular plant visits and inspections.
Our experienced consultants and staff will perform regular plant inspections and assure that the manufacturer complies with all quality requirements.


Sourcing products from Asia will help you add quality products to your supply chain at a lower cost.
We have numerous manufacturing companies within our network which gives us the ability to meet your target price and requirements.

Quality Assurance

Maintaining product quality is important in keeping the reputation and securing the future of your company.
With our experience in quality standards and regular plant visits, you can be assured that you will receive a quality product.

Pre-shipment Inspection

Pre-shipment inspection is critical to ensure the quality, quantity and prompt delivery of products.
We will conduct inspections before each shipment so that you can be reassured that the products meet all your requirements.

Contract Manufacturing

LMG can assist you to find a contract manufacturer who will manufacture products as per your specifications and standards.


We can supply
  • Medical Devices
  • Latex Products
  • Cosmetics
  • Food
  • Drug
  • Rubber Products